Frequently Asked
When and where is The Mississippi Card Show?
The Mississippi Card Show will take place on July 19th, 2025, at the Mississippi Trademart in Jackson, Mississippi. The address is 1200 Mississippi Street, Jackson, MS 39202.
Where can I get tickets?
Advance tickets are available from Tixr. Click here to view and purchase tickets. Tickets will also be available at the door on the day of the show, but prices do increase on the day of the event.
I bought a ticket online. How do I get into the show?
Please print out the QR code and have it ready when you reach the door. We can also scan the code off your phone. Please have the code pulled up and ready to scan before you reach the entrance.
How can we help to expedite the entry process?
Please be prepared before you get to the door; have your bags open and unzipped and have your tickets ready to scan or payment method ready to go. Please be attentive of all signage so you are in the correct line.​
Can I leave the show and come back?
Yes, your wristband allows you re-entry into the event. Please do not remove or alter the wristband in any way. Weekend wristbands must stay on for the duration of the event. If you remove your wristband, you will need to purchase another.
I bought a ticket and now I can’t go. Can I get a refund?
We only offer refunds if the entire event is canceled. If you are unable to attend, you may sell or transfer your tickets to someone else.
What athletes and celebrities are attending?
Please see our Guests page or Facebook feed for the most recent updates. While guests are confirmed, sometimes they must to cancel due to work commitments or personal situations. In the event of a cancellation, we will notify fans via social media as well as our website. If a guest cancels, we always try to book a new celebrity to take that spot in the lineup.
Are athletes and celebrity guests attending the entire show or only at certain times?
Unless noted on the Guest page, all guests are scheduled to attend the full das of the show. Guests will generally be at their booths meeting fans unless they are doing a Q&A or taking a short break.
Do athletes and celebrity guests charge for autographs and pictures?
Yes, most do. We try to post their pricing on the Guest page so that fans may know prices beforehand, but some guests don’t let us know their pricing until the weekend of the event.
What will guests sign?
Celebrities will sign most anything if you pay for the signature. There can be notable exceptions for some guests, but these are very rare. You can bring items from home, buy an item from an artist or vendor, or pick from items on the celebrity’s table.
Will the guests have lines?
Celebrities can sometimes have long lines. This is due to the celebrity wanting to give each fan time at the booth. Please be patient. If you expect to get many autographs, want to see lots of panels and Q&As, or participate in gaming, you may want to buy a weekend pass and attend both days.
Do you accept cash or card? What about athletes, celebrities, and exhibitors?
We accept cash and debit or credit cards at the door. Our official merchandise booth also accepts cash and cards. Most athletes and celebrities only accept cash, and most exhibitors accept cash or card. There will also be ATMs on site if you need to withdraw cash.
I see there are Q&As and panels. Is there a charge to attend those?
All Q&As and panels are free with paid admission.
What else is there to do at the event?
Tabletop gaming, video gaming, an old school arcade, pinball tournaments, and fan groups are just some of the attractions available for attendees to enjoy throughout the day.
Can I bring a bag or backpack?
You may bring bags and backpacks, but they must be searched each time you enter the building. To expedite this process, please have all bags open/unzipped before you reach the door.
Are there items I can’t bring into the show?
We do not allow firearms, knives, real swords, wooden or metal bats (unless to be signed and returned to your vehicle), stun guns, tasers, and lighters. We also reserve the right to refuse any item our security team or the police feel would be unsafe in a convention environment.
What’s the easiest way to contact you?
Email us at